GEA Conference 2017 Bursary Application Form

The GEA Conference has long provided an important home for established and aspiring feminist researchers to foreground and share deep commitments and passions to addressing gender inequity across all educational contexts and spheres. The 11th GEA conference intends to build upon this tradition to create space and opportunities for a range of feminist scholars, working at disciplinary interstices, to share innovative interventions that push at generating understandings about impact – upon research, practice, pedagogy, policy and activism. Crucially, the conference also intends to inspire and support emerging gender scholars and to act as an international collaborative resource for those fighting gendered inequality in multiple ways in local contexts.

In order to help with the costs involved in attending the conference, a number of small bursaries are available. To apply, please download and complete the following application form.

Please return your application form to Anna Vadilonga at Middlesex University by 7th March 2017

email address:

Conference Bursary Form

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