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C2C: #GEACONF2020 Keynote Speaker Rebecca Raby

Dr. Rebecca Raby is a Professor in the Department of Child and Youth Studies at Brock University in St. Catherine’s, Ontario. Dr. Raby’s research specializes in critical, feminist, and post-structural theory, particularly in the construction of childhood and adolescents in education as it intersects with gender, sexuality, race, and class. She recently just co-published (With Chen & Albanese) The sociology of childhood and youth in Canada (Canadian Scholars’ Press, 2018).
She also has published School rules: Obedience, discipline, and elusive democracy (University of Toronto Press, 2012) and Smart girls: Success, school and the myth of post-feminism (University of California Press). This was a SSHRC-funded study that examined girls, smartness, gender, and inequality in high school. Dr. Raby is also the co-editor of the textbook: Power and Everyday Practices (with Deborah Brock and Mark Thomas, York University), which draws on Marxist and Foucauldian thinking in order to complicate everyday activities.
Dr. Raby also is the Director of the Social Justice Research Institute at Brock University. The Social Justice Research Institute establishes Brock as a Canadian and International leader in advanced trans-disciplinary social justice scholarship, innovative knowledge mobilization strategies and community-university partnerships.