Click on our links to download four papers on writing with impact; the first, Darkness and Silence: The Dis/connection of Writing Intimacy discusses the intensive, maturing, messy, ethically caring, collaborative venture of changing composition. The second paper, Doing Academic Writing Differently: A Feminist Bricolage was written as an experimental bricolage, and the article weaves together two main threads to chart engagements with feminist research and writing practices. The third paper, Gatecrashing the Oasis? A Joint Doctoral Dissertation Play explores the institutional and individual struggles surrounding the submission for examination of a jointly authored doctoral dissertation at a U.K. civic university and the fourth paper we have collected here is Telling Transitions: Space, Materiality, and Ethical Practices in a Collaborative Writing Workshop which proposes an understanding of the space of collaborative writing as a multiplicity of relations, negotiations, and practices; it considers what is to be gained from considering collaborative writing in relation to posthumanist concerns about the mattering of matter.
In this section you will also find a discussion on collaborative writing between Carol Taylor, Jonathan Wyatt and Rachel Handforth.