Seeking GEA Co-Chair(s)

The Gender and Education Association (GEA) is a volunteer-led international intersectional feminist charity. Since 1997, our community of educators, researchers, activists, leaders, artists, and more have been working to challenge and eradicate gender stereotyping, sexism, and gender inequality within and through education. UK charity number: 1159145

We are currently recruiting new co-chairs for the Gender and Education Association. You must be a current or previous GEA Executive Committee member to apply.

GEA Co-Chair Job Description

All GEA Executive Committee members, including the Co-Chairs, volunteer their time to lead and shape GEA. All GEA Executive Committee members are reimbursed for their annual GEA membership.

Time commitment 

All current and previous executive members of GEA are eligible to apply for the role of Co-Chair. The time commitment of the Co-Chair role is an average of 5-8 hours a month, recognising that some months will be busier than others e.g. the months leading up to a GEA conference or other event/s. The roles are held for a 3-year term which is renewable if mutually agreed (with GEA Executive). 


  • Co-Chairs should expect to meet with each other 10-12 times a year to discuss progress on overarching goals, as well as to discuss oversight of sub-committees on the executive (including membership, EDI and conference/events). 
  • Co-Chairs are also responsible for convening and chairing quarterly meetings with the executive committee. Each quarterly meeting is held in two rounds to account for the different zones in which executive members are located. 
  • Co-Chairs should meet regularly with the Treasurer to have oversight over GEA finances, as well as to prepare and sign off on reporting for the Charity Commission. Co-Chairs will also need to convene meetings with the Treasurer and conference or events teams.


  • Co-Chairs will help executive members to set annual goals for their area of responsibility. Co-Chairs should meet with individual executive members at the start of the financial year to define these goals and review progress towards these at regular intervals. 
  • Co-Chairs will develop and circulate Calls for Proposals to host GEA conference and/or GEA events. Co-Chairs will also develop and circulate review criteria for proposals to the executive committee. They will work with the Conference Lead to communicate decisions and to support conference/events teams.
  • Co-Chairs will develop and circulate Calls for Proposals for seedcorn funding. Co-Chairs will also develop and circulate review criteria for proposals to the executive committee.  They will communicate decisions about funding to applicants.
  • Co-Chairs will oversee the hiring/appointing of paid interns and ensuring that they are meeting regularly with the GEA Executive member who is managing their work
  • Co-Chairs will meet regularly with sub-committees (e.g. membership, EDI, social media and communications) 
  • Co-Chairs will meet regularly with the Conference/Events Lead and conference or events teams

Application process and timeline

Decisions will be communicated the week beginning 16th September